On Thursday, June 30, 2022, Dr. Colleen Boland (UAB) participated in the 19th Annual IMISCOE Conference, entitled “Migration and Time: Temporalities of mobility, governance and resistance,” held in hybrid format online and in Oslo, Norway. She presented part of CRIMIGRACAT research to date in the session, “International norms and actors in migration governance,” with a talk entitled, “Crimmigration in Europe: Compounded Dilution of Asylum-seekers’ and Women’s Human Rights.”
The session was chaired by Dr. Sandra Mantu of Radboud University, Netherlands. Marciana Popescu of Fordham University, USA also presented “Reshaping the migration discourse: Is the Global Compact of Migration truly advancing regional and local gender-responsive policies?” on behalf of her co-authors. Drs. Boland and Popescu found many commonalities in research findings, and engaged in a fruitful discussion amongst themselves and with the session audience.

The conference was organized by the Centre for Welfare and Labour Research at the Oslo Metropolitan University, the Institute for Social Research (ISF), the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and the Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research. It was sponsored by OsloMet, City of Oslo, and IMISCOE. IMISCOE stands for the International Migration Research Network. It is Europe’s largest interdisciplinary research network addressing migration, integration and diversity studies. It boasts 61 research institutes from practically all European countries. Researchers draw from a range of disciplines, including sociology, political science, economics, law, demography, public administration, social geography and history.