The IEE, EUPOL and the Faculty of Law of the UAB will host Dr Marco Rizzi during the coming week of 12-16 June 2023. Dr Rizzi is Associate Professor at UWA Law School where he teaches Torts and Health Law & Policy in the JD, and Risk Regulation in the Masters programmes. His teaching experience spans a variety of private law, regulatory and theoretical subjects, across both core courses and specialised electives, as well as multiple course structures and delivery methods.

Dr Rizzi will be giving a seminar on New trajectories in risk regulation in the wake of COVID-19 on Tuesday 13 June at 12:00 CEST at Sata de Grados of the Faculty of Law. The seminar will address the relationship between risk and the law, which has always been and remains complex and hotly contentious. What can the law do, and what should it do in the face of emerging risks? The presentation will trace the steps of a research project that takes a constructivist approach to explore the nature of risk and a broad range of legal responses designed in Western legal traditions. The concept of ‘risk’, imbued as it is with value-based and moral judgments, as well as political and economic interests, contributes to shaping the institutional frameworks designed to prevent, assess, manage and respond to it. The COVID-19 pandemic has worked as a catalyst in both boosting but also debunking myths that are strongly embedded in public debates overwhelmingly hegemonized by neoliberal and, lately, populistic narratives. With examples ranging from health product regulation to the Euro-crisis and the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, the project teases out emerging trends in risk regulation in the wake of the pandemic, looking at the law not as a merely reactive instrument, but as an independent and proactive body of normativity.

This conference is open to UAB students and staff. Registration is not needed.