The Master’s Degree in European Integration has replaced this year the traditional trip to Brussels for a virtual visit to the institutions and bodies of the EU, which took place from February 2 to 4, 2021.

Session at the Council of the EU

More than 20 students of the University Master’s Degree in European Integration have attended 3 days of conferences with experts from the European Commission (February 2), the Council of the EU (February 3), the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions (February 4). The topics planned for the conferences have been very interesting and timely, and have included the digital transformation of the EU, the Council’s relations with China, or the reform of the EU migration policy.

Session at the EU Commission

This activity has been coordinated by Dra. Cristina Blasi Casagran, member of the Institute of European Studies.

For further details of the programme, click here.