Categoría Noticias

Discussion “An Express EU Social Contract”

As part of the Horizon Project «Drafting a new EU social contract together», its Principal Researcher, Antoni Abat i Ninet (member of the Institute of European Studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona) will speak on the European Social Contract…. Seguir leyendo →

Seminar on Geoeconomic Security

On Friday, October 25, 2024, at 12:00, Professor Ulf Sverdrup from BI Norwegian Business School delivered an insightful seminar on «Economic Segurity and European Integration» for the students of the Master’s in European Integration. The seminar, co-organised with the Jean… Seguir leyendo →

The IEE gives Autumn school on Introduction to the EU to Kharkiv Uni (Ucraine)

The course will take place online between the 11 November and 15 November 2024 and it will be an «Autumn school on Introduction to the EU». The programme is the following (EET time): 1st day (11 November 2024) 14:45 Seminar… Seguir leyendo →

Conference «Interpreting Human Rights: Divergent Conceptions and Their Impact in the EU and Iraq»

On 7 March 2025 at 12:00 CET we will host a conference on «Interpreting Human Rights: Divergent Conceptions and Their Impact in the EU and Iraq» at the Sala de Grados of the Faculty of Law. Human rights establish universally… Seguir leyendo →

Conference on EU Constitutional Identity Through an Explicit Social Contract

Within the framework of the Horizon Europe Project EXPRESS2, the faculty of law at the University of Belgrade and the Institute of European Studies (UAB) have organized a conference on September 27, 2024, titled ‘EU Constitutional Identity Through an Explicit… Seguir leyendo →

Celebramos los 40 años del CDE y los estudios europeos de posgrado en la UAB

Este año conmemoramos los 40 años que la UAB ofrece estudios europeos de posgrado, y que tenemos un Centro de Documentación Europea. Con este motivo, hemos organizado un actos el viernes 4 de octubre en la sede del Centro de… Seguir leyendo →

The Master’s Program in European Integration 2024-2025 is Starting!

Sure! Here’s the English translation: The Master’s Program in European Integration at the Autonomous University of Barcelona is about to begin, and we are excited to welcome the next generation of professionals and scholars eager to delve into the European… Seguir leyendo →

PhD call on business and politics

Call for expressions of interest for a PhD fellowship in the project: “Business and Politics. How NGEU funds shape EU support” (PID2023-151112NA-I00), funded by the Spanish Research Agency between 01/2025-12/2028. The project is led by Irina Ciornei at the Department… Seguir leyendo →

Dr Ana Mar Fernandez will coordinate the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EUGLOB at the UAB

The member of the Institute of European Studies, Dr Ana Mar Fernandez Pasarín, will coordinate Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Global Policies (EUGLOB) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, which will start in the coming months. Other researchers… Seguir leyendo →

3rd Research Conference on Forced Displacement

Nuestra alumni SIHUA LI (promoción MUIE 2022-2023) que ahora trabaja en el en el Centro de datos conjunto entre el Banco Mundial y el ACNUR organiza la 3ª Jornada de Investigación sobre Desplazamiento Forzado. Es un evento global híbrido que está… Seguir leyendo →

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