Josep Maria de Dios Marcer es professor titular de dret internacional privat a la UAB. Imparteix docència en Dret Internacional Privat i en Dret de la Unió Europea, essent el seu àmbit de docència i recerca tant el Dret Internacional Privat de la Unió Europea | |
Cristina Blasi Casagran Se licenció en derecho por la UAB en 2007, y completó el Máster de Integración Europea en la UAB (2008) y el LL.M en Europäisches Recht en el Europa Institut de Saarbrücken (2009). Es doctora en derecho por el European University Institute de Florencia (2015). | |
Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch Doctor en Dret. Catedràtic acreditat de Dret Constitucional (ANECA, 2012 i AQU, 2010), de la Unitat de Dret Constitucional del Departament de Ciència Política i Dret Públic de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. | |
Montserrat Pi Llorens Llicenciada en Dret per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona l’any 1984, va treballar a Brussel·les com a funcionària de la Comissió europea des de 1986 fins a 1989. Va tornar a Barcelona per incorporar-se a la Facultat de Dret de la UAB, on va obtenir el grau de Doctora l’any 1996, amb una tesi sobre la protecció dels drets fonamentals a la Unió europea que va rebre el IX Premi Maspons i Anglasell del Patronat Català ProEuropa a la millor tesis en temes d’integració europea i el Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat i que va ser publicada per l’editorial Ariel. Des de l’any 1997 és professora titular a l’àrea de Dret Internacional Públic i Relacions Internacionals de la UAB. | |
Gregorio Garzón Clariana es Profesor Emérito de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Catedrático de Derecho Internacional Público y Cátedra Jean Monnet ad personam de Derecho de la Unión Europea. Ha sido Consejero Jurídico Principal en la Comisión Europea y el Jurisconsulto del Parlamento Europeo. Profesor visitante, entre otros, del Colegio de Europa (Brujas y campus de Natolin en Varsovia). Autor de numerosas publicaciones. Perfil más detallado en | |
Iván Aybar Professor de la Facultat de Dret de la UAB. És llicenciat i Doctor en Dret (amb menció europea) per la Universitat de Saragossa. Curs d’especialització en Migracions internacionals i Dret d’estrangeria (Universitat Europea de Madrid). Ha estat investigador a la Universitat de Navarra i Professor a la Facultat de Dret de la Universitat de Saragossa. Estada d’investigació a la Università di Palermo. | |
Lidia Ballesta Lidia Ballesta es una investigadora predoctoral y profesora asociada en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) desde septiembre 2016. Es una investigadora y profesora sobre asuntos de la Unión Europea en la Facultad de Derecho. Completó su grado en Derecho en 2009, y tras él cursó un Máster en Integración Europea (Barcelona, 2012). Actualmente trabaja en su Ph.D en Derecho en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Su mayor foco de investigación es el mercado interior digital y la regulación europea del Copyright y la propiedad intelectual. | |
Colleen Boland Colleen Boland holds an M.A. in Near and Middle Eastern Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. She obtained her PhD in Sociology and Anthropology from the Complutense University of Madrid, specializing in migration studies. She has served as Managing Editor of the international quarterly International Journal of Health Services. Colleen is member of the IEE since September 2020 as postdoctoral researcher within the EU project ITFLOWS | |
Andre Groger Andre Groger is Assistant Professor of Economics (tenure-track) and Juan de la Cierva Fellow at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He is also affiliated Professor at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (BGSE), and Fellow at Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics (MOVE). Groger’s research interests are in Applied Microeconomics, Data Science, Development, Labor and Political Economy. Within the IEE, he participate in the ITFLOWS project, leading the task on analysis of big data on the drivers of migration.More information | |
Santiago Ariel Villar Arias Santiago Ariel Villar Arias is an Argentine/Spanish lawyer. He works at the IEE as Project Manager for the ITFLOWS Project (H2020). Before he worked as a researcher at the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) for more than four years, mainly in the Latin American department, and also within European projects (FP7 and H2020). He graduated in Law from the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina) and he holds a postgraduate degree in Banking Law from the U.C.A. (Argentina). He holds a Master’s Degree (with honours) in European Union Studies from the Institute d’Études Européennes of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) and a Master’s Degree in International and European Union Law from the University of Valencia (Spain). In Argentina, he worked as a lawyer for more than five years and as an assistant professor in Banking Law at the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. During the last seven years, he has been studying regional integration, both European and Latin American, mainly focused on the relationship between Mercosur and the EU, and Latin American integration processes. He has also been involved in research groups on topics related to the EU external relations (mainly the Kosovo and the Syria crises). He has published several articles, book reviews and essays, including chapters for books. | |
Antoni Abat i Ninet is Maria Zambrano Researcher at the IEE (UAB) and visiting professor at the Faculty of Law of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). Antoni graduated in Law from the University of Girona in 2001 and was awarded a PhD by the University of Barcelona in 2007. He joined ESADE faculty of law in 2011, he was granted the Juan de la Cierva competitive research scholarship by Spain’s Ministry for Science and Innovation. He taught Comparative Constitutional Law and Ancient Constitutionalism at the State University of New York, and the Lincoln Law School of San José and was Visiting Scholar at Stanford University Law School. In 2012, professor Abat joined the CTLS of the law school of Georgetown University where he taught Comparative Constitutional Law and Human Rights. From 2013 to 2020, Antoni has been a full professor and chair of comparative constitutional law at the faculty of law at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). Antoni’s research interests are constitutional law, philosophy and EU Law. He has taught several courses on the History of Philosophy, History of Political Systems and Political Philosophy at the UB and the EGLS. |