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Professor Gerry Maher offers a Conference about Brexit at the Law Faculty.

The Conference by Gerry Maher, from Edinburgh University, is titled EU and UK after (a no-deal) Brexit, and will be held on Thursday, October 24th at the Sala of Juntes at 12:30. It is organised by the European Studies Institut of… Continue Reading →

Researchers from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Visit the IEE.

A group of researchers from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences headed by the Institute of Econology and Sustainable Development’s Director, Dr. Zhou Fengqi, visit the IEE. The objective is to prepare for further cooperation between the Institute of European… Continue Reading →

Challenge for the new jurists: to be trained for a global society

Celebració del seminari “A challenge for the new jurists: to be trained for a global society”.Dilluns 7 d’octubre, a la Sala de Juntes de la Facultat de Dret. Des de fa uns anys, un grup de professors de diferents universitats… Continue Reading →

Acord estratègic per la inclusió d’estudiants Xinesos a la UAB

Membres de l’Institut d’Estudis Europeus participen a l’acord estratègic “Social Inclusion And Success of Chinese Students in EU Higher Education“ (SIAS China-EU), coordinat per la UAB. El projecte es part del ERASMUS+, que promou acords estratègics per l’educació, la formació… Continue Reading →

Jean Monnet Module about the European Union

L’Institut d’Estudis Europeus (IEE) has obtained a Jean Monnet module, from the Erasmus+ project, for the excellence training about the European Union. The module, is free and is addressed for master and doctorate students. It can be done by specific… Continue Reading →

Activitat docent del Màster de Integració Europea

El passat dilluns 23 de Setembre va començar l’activitat docent del Màster de Integració Europea. Atès que es tractava de la primera classe, i que el tema objecte de desenvolupament era el relatiu als valors de la UE, des de… Continue Reading →

Dr. Andreas Ziegler conference, Professor in International Public Law.

Dr. Andreas Ziegler will give a conference about “The current crisis of International Economic Law – The end of the WTO and European economic integration?”. This conference will be held on Thursday 3rd at 10:15 at classroom 10 of the… Continue Reading →

Challenge for the new jurists: to be trained for a global society

Celebration of the seminar “A challenge for the new jurists: to be trained for a global society”.Monday October 7th, Sala de Juntes of the Faculty. Since years ago, a group of professors from different universities from around the world, work… Continue Reading →

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