The Third -and Final- Annual Meeting of ITFLOWS Project, led by the researcher Cristina Blasi, took place in Brussels on 13 September 2023 and it was organised in a hybrid scheme (presential/online). The event took place at the headquarters of… Seguir leyendo →
On 12th September 2023, the researcher Cristina Blasi organised the last dissemination event under the ITFLOWS project, a Policy Workshop, which took place at the Alliance4universities, in Brussels (Rue du Trône 62, 7th Floor). This event gathered policy makers, and… Seguir leyendo →
L’Institut d’Estudis Europeus (IEE) de la UAB coordinarà el projecte de recerca «EXPRESS2 – Specify and Protect the EU Social Contract». El projecte, dotat amb tres milions d’euros, s’iniciarà en 2024 i compta amb la participació d’onze socis de nou… Seguir leyendo →
El pasado 7 de julio, tuvo lugar la ceremonia de clausura de la edición 2022-2023, promoción Jordi Bacaria, del Máster oficial en Integración Europea en la Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Comunicación. El evento reunió más de 70… Seguir leyendo →
The IEE, EUPOL and the Faculty of Law of the UAB will host Dr Marco Rizzi during the coming week of 12-16 June 2023. Dr Rizzi is Associate Professor at UWA Law School where he teaches Torts and Health Law… Seguir leyendo →
Dotze fiscals de Corea del sud han visitat avui la Facultat de Dret de la UAB, i han estat rebuts per la degana i la Vicedegana de projecció internacional. En el marc d’aquesta visita, han mostrat especial itnerès en conèixer… Seguir leyendo →
On 9 June 2023 the UAB will host the Collaborative European Research Conference 2023 (CERC 2023) at the Sala de Graus of the Faculty of Law. The local organisation has been led by the Institute of European Studies and the… Seguir leyendo →
On 8 May 2023 at 3 pm CEST our research member Dr Toni Abat Ninet will give an online seminar on «Constitutional Crowdsourcing: Democratising Original and Derived Constituent Power in the Network Society». This seminar is part of the Webinar… Seguir leyendo →
Every year, the Faculty of Law and the Institute of European Studies organise a conference to commemorate Europe’s Day (May 9). This year, this commemorative event will take place on Friday, May 5, at 12 in the morning, in the… Seguir leyendo →
El próximo lunes 24 de abril lugar en la Sala de juntas de la facultad de derecho de la UAB las jornadas «CUESTIONES DE ACTUALIDAD DEL DERECHO DE LA COMPETENCIA: UNIÓN EUROPEA Y ESTADOS UNIDOS». A continuacion detallamos el programa… Seguir leyendo →
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